Don't Let The Elephants Trample Your Business Plan


I'm sure every business owner worries about the risks they face, and wonders about preventative/mitigative steps they should be taking to address those risks.

The attached article is from a recent edition of The Actuarial Review magazine. "Understanding Threats: Grey Swans, Black Elephants, and Butterflies (Oh My!)" by Annmarie Geddes Baribeau, provides great insights into some of the risks we all face. The author speaks to events that she calls "Black Elephants" - potential events that are known to be quite dangerous but often go ignored, or are minimized due to an over-reliance on models (i.e.  Cyberattacks, Climate Change, and Pandemics). The author also provides a helpful problem-solving mindset to address these potential crises.

If you're a business owner wanting to speak with someone about the insurance product(s) you might need to protect your business, the team at RaisinBread is there to help.  Don't hesitate to reach out to me or any of my RaisinBread teammates: @Anthony Washington @Doreen Reinke @Neville Moses

Ken Levine