
Private Client

Private client customers are more likely to travel, own second homes, and drive higher-priced vehicles with needs in excess of typical insurance offerings.

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Private Client – What’s The Difference?

Private client customers are more likely to travel, own second homes, and drive higher-priced vehicles with needs in excess of typical insurance offerings. Insurance for Private Client offers tailored coverage for high-valued homes, including valuables like jewelry, antiques, fine art, collectibles as well as expensive personal autos and extended personal liability limits.


How Much Do Private Client Coverages Cost?

The cost of coverage varies by state, the provider, and other factors. The cost of Private Client coverages can be tailored to meet your personal needs.


Do I Need Private Client Coverages?

Private Client families and individuals with substantial personal assets require a risk management approach for protecting their homes, automobiles, fine art, jewelry, and collectibles. When it comes to insuring personal assets and liabilities, protection needs are well in excess of those typically served by the insurance industry. Private Client solutions are customized to the insured’s needs and takes into account a variety of lifestyles.


Private Clients Offers:


Liability and Excess Liability Coverage

Private Client coverages are equipped to respond to broader involvement such as non-profit board positions, alleged acts of libel and slander, and offer higher limits than standard policies.


Extended Homeowners Offering Examples

Higher limits on special items such as jewelry, fine artwork, and collectibles. Rebuilding to code, if building codes have changed. Extended rebuilding costs if a fire destroys the home and the policy limit was insufficient to rebuild.


Valuable Articles Offerings Available

Unscheduled blanket coverage in excess of standard policy limits for unscheduled items. No deductible/no requirement to replace a scheduled valuable item. Coverage for mysterious disappearance if an item is lost. Worldwide coverage for scheduled items.

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RaisinBread helps provide you with coverage that can protect you.
